Political Assassinations
Until I was 18 I thought Franz Ferdinand was just a cool name of a band. Had I known that he was the heir to the Austrian Hungarian throne and his assassination was the catalyst for WW1, perhaps that guitar riff would have hit differently. Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, was shot at close range last Wednesday, just like the Archduke. The Assasin was a 71-year-old writer, thought to be acting alone. Although, we've heard that one before ay Oswald. I’m surprised that it took something political to spur on the 71-year-old. Most lose their patience when someone uses their drive to turn around their car. The suspect managed to hit the Prime Minister five times from close range. How on earth has he survived getting shot five times? What is the weapon of choice? A fucking Nerf gun?
Without weighing up if these men deserved to be shot because I've been told that's insensitive. And mostly they did. It's good to consider some of the reasons behind the bullets, or knives (sorry Ceasar). Some assassins act out of anger, perhaps their people have been repressed by the politician and their government. Perhaps the killing has been ordered by another state, or it's just a crazy person who saw an opportunity for notoriety. Political shootings often come in the wake of other shootings too, where a suspect has become famous for murder and another loser watches on and thinks, "Corr, could I get on the news if I shot someone?"
Being a politician is a dangerous job. Even MPs in the UK have been killed, as recently as Sir David Amess who was murdered last year in Southend, to Jo Cox back in 2016. Jo Cox was murdered as her murderer saw her as a traitor to white people. The killer, Thomas Mair had a personal library dedicated to Nazis and white supremacy. Reading the Judge’s sentencing of the killer it says, 'Our parent’s generation made huge sacrifices to defeat those ideas and values in the Second World War. What you did, and your admiration for those views which informed your crime, betrays the sacrifices of that generation.' This just about sums up how misinformed some of these murderers are. This guy was shouting out "Britain First", as he shot Jo with a sawn-off shotgun. Not knowing that his beliefs are completely contrary to what Britain stands for. Ultimately, if you want to kill your enemy, go to a battlefield. Or just bite your tongue and write about them like me.